Rock'N Race

Register for Rock'N Race today!



When you support our Payson Center for Cancer Care's Rock'N Race, sponsored by Merrimack County Savings Bank, you are making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families.

This year's event is on Wednesday May 7, 2025, at the State House Plaza in downtown, Concord, NH.

Registration fees and charitable gifts to the Rock'N Race support Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care. Inside the Payson Center, The HOPE Resource Center provides support programs, social work, nutritional counseling, complementary therapies and financial guidance at no cost to patients. Participants and sponsors of the 2024 race helped to raise over $339,000 for the HOPE Resource Center.  By giving to the Rock‘N Race, you're helping make these services possible. This event has raised over $6 million dollars for cancer care since 2003. 

There are many opportunities to get involved!  Make a difference in the lives of cancer patients by:

• Participating as a Runner or Walker ~ Visit the Rock'N Race website to register yourself and/or create a team! Additional information on how to get started can be found on the Race site, as well as in our tailored 2025 Participant and Team Toolkit;
Sponsoring a participant ~ Visit the Rock‘N Race website and make a donation to a team or participant page;
• Volunteering ~ Many hands make this a successful event! To find out how you can volunteer, sign up here at, call (603) 227-7162, or contact us;
• Underwriting a service or making an in-kind donation ~ In-kind donations and services help to keep our expenses low and direct the most funds possible to Payson Center for Cancer Care. Examples of donations and services utilized for this event include photography, awards, entertainment and food. All donations of goods and services will receive some recognition for their support;
• Donate directly ~ if you are unable to attend but want to support the Concord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care through Rock 'N Race, make your donation today;
• Find us on Facebook ~ Like and follow Concord Hospital’s Facebook page to receive the latest information about this event.

Sponsorship Opportunities

When you become an event sponsor, your company’s brand is exposed to 4,000+ cause-orientated community members attending the event. Call (603) 227-7162 to invest in Payson Center for Cancer Care’s Rock'N Race sponsorship opportunities.

Rock 'N Race Photo Gallery

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