CHampions Donation Download our employee payroll deduction form. Your CHampions gift ensures healthcare excellence is available for community members today and for generations to come. Donation Information Amount: President's Society$ 1,000.00 Give the gift of$ 500.00 Give the gift of$ 250.00 Give the gift of$ 100.00 Give the gift of$ 50.00 Give the gift of$ 35.00 Other $ * Designation: Fitness Center Equipment The Learning Center Emergency Department Endowment Employees' Helping Hands Fund Use Where Needed Most Simulation and Education Center Other Other * Payment Options Frequency: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually On: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Starting: Ending: Ending: Anonymous: I prefer to make this donation anonymously Billing Information Title: <Please select> Attorney Cantor Dr. Elder Fr. Imam Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Rabbi Rev. * First name: * Last name: * Country: United States Canada * Address lines: * City: * State: <Please Select> AA AE AL AK AB AS AP AZ AR BC CA CZ CO CT DE DC FM FL GA GU HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MB MH MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NB NH NJ NM NY NL NC ND MP NT NS NU OH OK ON OR PW PA PE PR QC RI SK SC SD TN TX UT VT VI VA WA WV WI WY YT * ZIP: * Phone: * Email: *