NH Gives Share on Facebook. NH Gives is the state's largest day of giving — bringing together hundreds of nonprofits and tens of thousands of donors to raise as much money and awareness as possible for the causes served by New Hampshire's nonprofit sector. It is your opportunity to give back in a way that is meaningful to you! NH Gives is June 11-12, 2024. You can make your gift to Concord Hospital Trust below or on the NH Gives website. Since 1946, Concord Hospital has supported the health needs of all community members in our service area, regardless of ability to pay. Today, Concord Hospital health system is central New Hampshire's most important and valued health care organization serving 250,000 individuals. With your support of a gift in any amount, we promise that no matter where patients access care, they will find consistent, coordinated and high-quality health services. Your gift assures Concord Hospital stays strong, stable, and growing for years to come. We are grateful for your support! Donation Information Amount: Make a gift of$ 1,000.00 Make a gift of$ 500.00 Make a gift of$ 250.00 Make a gift of$ 100.00 Make a gift of$ 50.00 Make a gift of$ 35.00 Other $ * Designation: Use Where Needed Most Emergency Services Maternal Health Payson Center for Cancer Care Other Other * About My Gift Frequency: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually On: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Starting: Ending: Ending: Anonymous: I prefer to make this donation anonymously Comments: Intended Location: <Please select> All Concord Franklin Laconia * Reason for Giving NH Gives * Billing Information Title: <Please select> Attorney Cantor Dr. Elder Fr. Imam Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Rabbi Rev. * First name: * Last name: * Country: United States Canada * Address lines: * City: * State: <Please Select> AA AE AL AK AB AS AP AZ AR BC CA CZ CO CT DE DC FM FL GA GU HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MB MH MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NB NH NJ NM NY NL NC ND MP NT NS NU OH OK ON OR PW PA PE PR QC RI SK SC SD TN TX UT VT VI VA WA WV WI WY YT * ZIP: * Phone: Email: * Payment Information Cardholder's Name: * Credit Card Number: * Card Type: Visa American Express Diners Club Discover JCB MasterCard * Card Expiration: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 / 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 * Card Security Code: * Additional Security This is a security measure to help prevent fraud. Unable to load the reCAPTCHA image. The public key (6LfNkWEpAAAAACjjFm7EApXvH07KMyP9QZ14ONi-) might be invalid for this domain. reCAPTCHATM Type what is displayed: Type what you hear: * Get a new challenge | Get an audio challenge Get a visual challenge Tribute Information Please tell us if someone is being honored or remembered with this gift. Tribute Type: in honor of in memory of Grateful Heart Award * Name: * First name: Last name: * Send notification of this gift to the following person: *