In Memory of Leo A. Lavin, III Mr. Lavin's family has requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in his memory to the Employee Helping Hands Fund at Concord Hospital. This fund supports employees who may be struggling financially because of unforeseen events. We will notify the family of your special recognition. Whether acknowledging or honoring friends on a special occasion or celebrating the memory of a loved one, the most meaningful gift is one that gives back. Your tribute gift to Concord Hospital Trust ensures that healthcare excellence is available for community members today and for generations to come. Thank you. Donation Information Amount: Inscribe a brick in the Tribute Courtyard$ 1,000.00 Give a memorial gift of$ 500.00 Give a memorial gift of$ 100.00 Give a memorial gift of$ 50.00 Give a memorial gift of$ 25.00 Other $ * Additional Information Frequency: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually On: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Starting: Ending: Ending: Corporate: This donation is on behalf of a company Anonymous: I prefer to make this donation anonymously Comments: How Did You Hear About Our Site: Leo A. Lavin, III Billing Information Title: <Please select> Attorney Cantor Dr. Elder Fr. Imam Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Rabbi Rev. * First name: * Last name: * Country: United States Canada * Address lines: * City: * State: <Please Select> AA AE AL AK AB AS AP AZ AR BC CA CZ CO CT DE DC FM FL GA GU HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MB MH MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NB NH NJ NM NY NL NC ND MP NT NS NU OH OK ON OR PW PA PE PR QC RI SK SC SD TN TX UT VT VI VA WA WV WI WY YT * ZIP: * Phone: * Email: * Tribute Acknowledgment Information Type: in memory of * Name: Mr. Leo Lavin , III * First name: Last name: * Send notification of this gift to the following family member: *